*based on the assumption – 35 pounds of packaged meat per one cubic foot What is the Smallest Freezer Recommended for Elk? A freezer of 7 cubic feet will do the job! Boned Out Meat – Size of Freezer Boneless Meat lbs The meat needs to be boned out, at least the bones on the quarters need to be trimmed.īut, you have to take into consideration that your cuts of meat are not going to be perfectly symmetrical, hence you are going to want some extra space too. So, if you would be taking 250 pounds of boneless meat home from a 500-pound bull (MASSIVE!!), you would need a freezer with approximately 6-7 cubic feet of freezer space. On average, one cubic foot of freezer space can hold 35-40 pounds of packaged meat. Source – see footnote 1 How Many cu/ft Freezer for Elk? Wyoming Game and Fish laboratory tooth-ring data from hunter-harvested animals 3½ years and older were used to calculate the percentage in each age class over 2½ years because accurate ages for older animals are difficult to determine at check stations.

4 The percentage of calves and 1½ and 2½-year-old hunter-harvested animals from 115 hunt areas throughout Wyoming in 2001 is based on the age structure of 4,185 field-checked animals. Because field-dressed weights often vary within age class, boneless meat yield can also vary as much as 20 pounds from the averages listed. (1961) 3 The field-dressed weight times 50 percent is equal to the weight of boneless meat. The University of Wyoming published research about how much boneless meat you can expect when processing elk harvested by hunters:ġ According to a mail-in survey by the Wyoming Game and Fish Department, the proportion of bulls including spikes, cows, and calves harvested in Wyoming in 2001 was 48.1, 43.7, and 8.2 percent, respectively. University of Wyoming: “The Elk Carcass – August 2003” To be on the safe side, and depending on how often you are going to hunt, you should have a chest freezer with a volume of at least 7 cubic feet to store a big elk bull (deboned and if you stack it in there correctly). Roughly 50 percent of meat is what you can expect after the field-dressing, quartering, and deboning process. The answer is a minimum of 7 cubic feet! A 500 pounds bull will give you around 250 pounds of meat. Q: How much meat will a 7 cubic foot freezer hold?.Q: What is the smallest freezer recommended for elk?.Q: How much meat will a 5 cubic foot freezer hold?.Freezer Size – Should I Use A Chest Or Stand-Up?.Recommended Procedure for Handling Elk Carcasses.How Much Can a 5 Cubic Foot Freezer Hold?.What is the Smallest Freezer Recommended for Elk?.University of Wyoming: “The Elk Carcass – August 2003”.